7 Июль 2024
3 месяц назад
Iranian state television reporting that several Iranian diplomats seem to have been killed in the strike as well
3 месяц назад
На Ставрополье предотвращен теракт, задержаны трое граждан стран Центральной Азии, — сообщает ФСБ
3 месяц назад
Путин поговорил с Токаевым, президент Казахстана подчеркнул, что решительно осуждает теракт в Крокусе, передал слова сочувствия и поддержки, — Кремль.
3 месяц назад
Pakistani Defense Minister: We are not looking for a conflict with the Taliban, and we do not want to enter Afghanistan
Pakistani Army: Militants carried out an armed attack on March 16 on an army site, taking up positions to protect them in Afghanistan
3 месяц назад
Kabul announces the killing of eight people in Pakistani strikes on eastern Afghanistan
3 месяц назад
An Indian media outlet reported that at least 5 international students from African countries, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan were injured when a violent crowd stormed a hostel at Gujarat University in Ahmedebad while the students were praying, the report says
3 месяц назад
Токаев нанес двухдневный государственный визит в Азербайджан. Посетил Шушу в Нагорном Карабахе, отметил, что Карабах зацветёт новыми красками, а восстановление инфраструктуры региона поспособствует развитию всего Южного Кавказа
4 месяц назад
Путин попросил правительство профинансировать программы по продвижению русского языка в странах СНГ
4 месяц назад
Explosion in PD-4, Kabul City
4 месяц назад
Tajikistan: The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs called the explosion in Kulyab a terrorist attack
4 месяц назад
Ракета-носитель "Союз-2.1а" с транспортным грузовым кораблем "Прогресс МС-26" стартовала с космодрома "Байконур"
4 месяц назад
Kazakhstan just announced that they will be compensating oil over production within the next 4 months - energy ministry
4 месяц назад
В Степногорске отключили электричество
5 месяц назад
Правительство Казахстана ушло в отставку, сообщила пресс-служба президента Токаева. Причина не уточняется.
IRGC Fatemiyoun Brigade announces one of its veterans was killed 2 nights ago by US airstrikes in Deir ez-Zur province, Syria5 месяц назад
IRGC Fatemiyoun Brigade announces one of its veterans was killed 2 nights ago by US airstrikes in Deir ez-Zur province, Syria
5 месяц назад
The World Food Program (WFP) in Afghanistan said in a statement that Japan contributed US$13.5 million for WFP in Afghanistan for emergency assistance for 630,000 people, school feeding for 36,000 children & to keep WPF operational. “This contribution comes at a critical moment for the many families across the country who are less prepared than ever to face the harsh Afghan winter when hunger bites hardest,” said Hsiao-Wei Lee, WFP Country Director in Afghanistan
5 месяц назад
Президент Украины Зеленский провел телефонный разговор с Президентом Казахстана Токаевым
5 месяц назад
В Бишкеке прекратилось теплоснабжение из-за аварии на электростанции в городе
5 месяц назад
Премьер-министр России Мишустин прибыл в Алматы с двухдневным визитом
5 месяц назад
2 dead as result of household gas explosion in Botakara village, Bukhar-Zhyrau district, Karaganda region
Mohammad Naeem, Islamic Emirate’s Qatar-based political office spokesman, on X wrote that in “Afghanistan’s Regional Cooperation Initiative” which is planned to be held today, the new chapter of the positive interaction of the countries of the region with the Islamic Emirate, coordination in the field of regional cooperation, creation of a common region-oriented narrative at the regional level, and joint cooperation to make the most of the economic opportunities of the region will be discussed5 месяц назад
Mohammad Naeem, Islamic Emirate’s Qatar-based political office spokesman, on X wrote that in “Afghanistan’s Regional Cooperation Initiative” which is planned to be held today, the new chapter of the positive interaction of the countries of the region with the Islamic Emirate, coordination in the field of regional cooperation, creation of a common region-oriented narrative at the regional level, and joint cooperation to make the most of the economic opportunities of the region will be discussed
5 месяц назад
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 114 km SSE of Kyzyl-Suu, Kyrgyzstan
5 месяц назад
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 127 km SSE of Kyzyl-Suu, Kyrgyzstan
5 месяц назад
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 116 km WNW of Aykol, China
5 месяц назад
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 127 km WNW of Aykol, China
5 месяц назад
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 134 km W of Aykol, China
5 месяц назад
New earthquake reported in southern Kazakhstan
5 месяц назад
Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - 110 km WNW of Aykol, China
5 месяц назад
Здание канализационно-насосной станции обрушилось в городе Новотроицк в Оренбургской области. Под завалами могут находиться до 7 человек.