18 Октябрь 2024
3 месяц назад
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - 42 km E of Farkhār, Afghanistan
Pakistani military releases a statement on the Bannu attack: A total of 10 militants carried out the attack, 8 soldiers were killed.The most important part of the statement: Pakistan Armed Forces will keep defending the motherland and its people against this menace of terrorism and will take all necessary measures as deemed appropriate against these threats emanating from Afghanistan.3 месяц назад
Pakistani military releases a statement on the Bannu attack: A total of 10 militants carried out the attack, 8 soldiers were killed.The most important part of the statement: "Pakistan Armed Forces will keep defending the motherland and its people against this menace of terrorism and will take all necessary measures as deemed appropriate against these threats emanating from Afghanistan."
Early morning complex attack targeting Pakistani military cantonment in Bannu, KP province. Pakistani sources report at least two suicide bombings including one via SVBIED, which detonated on the road outside the cantonment. The sources report of at least 3 militants being killed while at least a dozen people were injured in the attack including soldiers. A faction of Pakistani Taliban's Hafiz Gul Bahadur Group claimed responsibility.3 месяц назад
Early morning complex attack targeting Pakistani military cantonment in Bannu, KP province. Pakistani sources report at least two suicide bombings including one via SVBIED, which detonated on the road outside the cantonment. The sources report of at least 3 militants being killed while at least a dozen people were injured in the attack including soldiers. A faction of Pakistani Taliban's Hafiz Gul Bahadur Group claimed responsibility.
China's Ambassador Zhao Xing met with Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa, the Taliban government's Minister of Information and Culture, and exchanged views on strengthening bilateral culture and cultural relic protection cooperation3 месяц назад
China's Ambassador Zhao Xing met with Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa, the Taliban government's Minister of Information and Culture, and exchanged views on strengthening bilateral culture and cultural relic protection cooperation
3 месяц назад
Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan military drills
Подготовка к госперевороту в Кыргызстане – подробности от Госкомитета нацбезопасности республики:- Подозреваемые хотели организовать 31 августа (День Независимости) вблизи Бишкека спортивные игры, чтобы собрать большое количество молодежи из всех регионов страны.      3 месяц назад
Подготовка к госперевороту в Кыргызстане – подробности от Госкомитета нацбезопасности республики:- Подозреваемые хотели организовать 31 августа (День Независимости) вблизи Бишкека спортивные игры, чтобы собрать большое количество молодежи из всех регионов страны.      
3 месяц назад
Си Цзиньпин на саммите ШОС призвал страны объединения наращивать обмен разведывательными данными
3 месяц назад
Chinese President: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization stands on the right side of history, fairness and justice
Токаев объявил о принятии решения по полноправному членству Беларуси в ШОС3 месяц назад
Токаев объявил о принятии решения по полноправному членству Беларуси в ШОС
Путин и Лукашенко встретились в Астане3 месяц назад
Путин и Лукашенко встретились в Астане
Putin begins negotiations with Xi Jinping.3 месяц назад
Putin begins negotiations with Xi Jinping.
3 месяц назад
Путин прибыл в Астану
On the sidelines of the Doha 3 meeting, Zabihullah Mujahid, who leads the Islamic Emirate delegation, met with representatives from several countries to discuss Afghanistan issues. Mujahid wrote on X that in a meeting with the Indonesian foreign minister, he emphasized3 месяц назад
On the sidelines of the Doha 3 meeting, Zabihullah Mujahid, who leads the Islamic Emirate delegation, met with representatives from several countries to discuss Afghanistan issues. Mujahid wrote on X that in a meeting with the Indonesian foreign minister, he emphasized
3 месяц назад
Си Цзиньпин 2-6 июля посетит Казахстан и Таджикистан с государственным визитом — МИД КНР
Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, said in a press conference about the third Doha meeting that the Islamic Emirate invites those countries participating in the Doha meeting to interact with Afghanistan3 месяц назад
Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, said in a press conference about the third Doha meeting that the Islamic Emirate invites those countries participating in the Doha meeting to interact with Afghanistan
3 месяц назад
Afghan Taliban are not our supporters in the fight against militants, says Pakistan's Defense MinisterAt the same time as presenting the plan of the operation "Azm-e-Istihkam" in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan
26-этажный дом горит в Астане, спасатели эвакуировали 8 человек, сообщает МЧС Казахстана. Комплекс Rixos Khan Shatyr Residences состоит из шести башен с жильем и двух башен с офисами.3 месяц назад
26-этажный дом горит в Астане, спасатели эвакуировали 8 человек, сообщает МЧС Казахстана. Комплекс Rixos Khan Shatyr Residences состоит из шести башен с жильем и двух башен с офисами.
3 месяц назад
Полиция предъявила обвинения двум гражданам Казахстана Алтаю Жаканбаеву и Мейраму Каратаеву, которые 18 июня якобы попытались убить казахстанского оппозиционного журналиста Айдоса Садикова.
Бывший председатель Демократической партии Таджикистана Саидджафар Усмонзода арестован по делу о насильственном захвате власти
4 месяц назад
Некоторые банки Кыргызстана приостанавливают операции с Россией
4 месяц назад
Вице-спикер Госдумы Петр Толстой заявил, что "Алма-Ата — русская крепость", а также рассказал о возможных проблемах РФ с Казахстаном
Токаев и Путин провели телефонный разговор4 месяц назад
Токаев и Путин провели телефонный разговор
4 месяц назад
Министр обороны РФ Белоусов назвал ситуацию в мире крайне сложной, в том числе в Центральноазиатском регионе.
4 месяц назад
МИД России пригласил Талибан принять участие в Петербургском экономическом форуме
4 месяц назад
Путин прибыл в столицу Узбекистана Ташкент с двухдневным государственным визитом
Khalifa Sirajuddin Haqqani, the acting Minister of Interior of Afghanistan, met with Mohammed bin Abdulaziz bin Saleh al-Khulaifi, Minister of State for the Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar and his accompanying delegation4 месяц назад
Khalifa Sirajuddin Haqqani, the acting Minister of Interior of Afghanistan, met with Mohammed bin Abdulaziz bin Saleh al-Khulaifi, Minister of State for the Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar and his accompanying delegation
Four women and a child lost their lives following deadly and devastating floods in Sar-e-Pul. Habibullah, the spokesperson for the governor of Sar-e-Pul, said that these floods occurred last night in the village of Soufak in the Kohistanat district of this province4 месяц назад
Four women and a child lost their lives following deadly and devastating floods in Sar-e-Pul. Habibullah, the spokesperson for the governor of Sar-e-Pul, said that these floods occurred last night in the village of Soufak in the Kohistanat district of this province
The website of an airport in Kyrgyzstan, a country in Asia has been taken down by a threat actor group5 месяц назад
The website of an airport in Kyrgyzstan, a country in Asia has been taken down by a threat actor group
5 месяц назад
A rescue flight is being sent to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan by the Pakistani government tonight to evacuate the students. More flights are being planned for tomorrow as well. The government will bear the expenses of transporting the students via these special flights
5 месяц назад
Protest broke out in Kyrgyz capital over 13 May squabble with foreign nationals (unclear what country’s citizens, either Pakistan or India) and locals getting into physical confrontation which was widely shared on social media. Increased police presence by foreign student dorms