8 Îlon 2024
9 month ago
Li Astraxanê ji ber zêdedoza metadonê 4 kes mirin, 24 kes li nexweşxaneyan
9 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 31 km SW of Ashkāsham, Afghanistan
9 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - 106 km SE of Karakenja, Tajikistan
9 month ago
The spokesperson for the Kabul police department, Khalid Zadran, on X said that a provisional camp has been constructed for returnees in northern Kabul. Zadran said that the camp has food, water, and medical facilities
9 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - Tajikistan
Fire brigade on its way to the site of explosions and sirens of ambulances could be heard in the city of Mazari Sharif
Explosions followed by gunfire in Mazar-E Sharif in Northern Balkh province. Mazar-E Sharif city in Balkh province is a major trade hub on the border with Uzbekistan
President of Kazakhstan pulls a power move and opens his speech to the visiting Russian delegation headed by Putin speaking Kazakh. You can see the bewilderment and confusion among the delegation10 month ago
President of Kazakhstan pulls a power move and opens his speech to the visiting Russian delegation headed by Putin speaking Kazakh. You can see the bewilderment and confusion among the delegation
10 month ago
Putin: Russia considers Kazakhstan not just an ally, but its closest ally
Türkiye's President Erdogan was greeted by President of Uzbekistan Mirziyoyevn Before the summit, the leaders met for a family photo. The 16th Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization held in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, attended by President Erdogan, has started10 month ago
Türkiye's President Erdogan was greeted by President of Uzbekistan Mirziyoyevn Before the summit, the leaders met for a family photo. The 16th Summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization held in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, attended by President Erdogan, has started
10 month ago
Putin has arrived in Astana, Kazakhstan
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi arrived on an official visit to Tajikistan
10 month ago
ISIS claims responsibility for killing 7 people in a bus bombing in the Afghan capital
At least 7 killed and over 30 wounded in an explosion in a civilian minibus in Dasht-e-Barchi area of Kabul. It is a predominantly Hazara area. No claim of responsibility yet but ISKP is the likely suspect10 month ago
At least 7 killed and over 30 wounded in an explosion in a civilian minibus in Dasht-e-Barchi area of Kabul. It is a predominantly Hazara area. No claim of responsibility yet but ISKP is the likely suspect
10 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 90 km SW of Kashgar, China
10 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 38 km NW of Gazli, Uzbekistan
Taliban delegation, led by Mulla Baradar, arrived in Iran’s capital, Tehran
10 month ago
Taliban Acting Defense Minister, Mawlawi Mohammad Yaqoob Mujahid in an audio clip criticized the treatment of Afghan refugees by Pakistan’s caretaker government, saying that the decision to expel Afghans had been taken unilaterally and that Pakistan should consider the consequences
Iran leader’s military adviser urged the Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states to sign a “non-aggression pact” between them
10 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 94 km ESE of Murghob, Tajikistan
10 month ago
Blackout in Astana after failure in power grid
10 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 19 km NE of Zindah Jān, Afghanistan
10 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 26 km NNW of Herāt, Afghanistan
10 month ago
Di encama teqîna li kana Kostenko ya Kazakistanê de herî kêm 21 karker mirin
10 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 28 km W of Kunduz, Afghanistan
10 month ago
Deadly explosion reported in a sports hall in Dasht-e-Barchi, Kabul
State Department: We applaud the Kyrgyz Republic's repatriation of 83 women and children from northeast Syria. This is an important step in resolving the ongoing challenges at al-Hol. We urge all countries to follow this example
Il-76 a Rûsî di dema rabûna li baregeha hewayî ya Tacîkistanê de agir pê ket
10 month ago
Piştî destpêkirina şerê Rûsyayê li dijî Ukrayna, Kazakistan hinardekirina 106 kelûmelên leşkerî ji Rûsyayê re sînordar kir, di nav de dron, çîp, elektronîkên pispor û hilberên din, - got cîgirê wezîrê bazirganî û entegrasyonê Kairat Torebayev.
10 month ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 21 km S of Yolöten, Turkmenistan