a year agoPhoto of IRGC Colonel Hossein-Ali Javdanfar, whom Jaish al-Adl killed today following IRGC airstrikes on Pakistan yesterday
a year agoA member of the IRGC has been shot dead inside Iran, in the south-eastern Sistan-Baluchestan province bordering Pakistan and Afghanistan
a year agoاشتباكات بين المتظاهرين والشرطة في بايماك في باشكيرستان ومتظاهرون يطالبون بالإفراج عن الناشط في منظمة باشكورت فايل السينوف
a year agoاشتباكات مع الشرطة بالقرب من المحكمة في بايمك، حيث صدر الحكم على الناشط فيل السينوف اليوم. المتظاهرون يرشقون الشرطة بالثلج والجليد
a year agoتحطمت مروحية من طراز Mi-8 في قيرغيزستان، مما أدى إلى إصابة 4 أشخاص على الأقل ومقتل شخص واحد
a year agoUS Department of State: On the 10th anniversary of Uyghur human rights activist Ilham Tohti’s detention in the PRC, we call on the PRC to cease its genocide and crimes against humanity and to immediately and unconditionally release Tohti and all those arbitrarily detained in Xinjiang
a year agoBlast Hits Western Kabul. An explosion was heard in Kabul's western Dasht-e-Barchi area on Thursday afternoon, January 11, local sources said. According to eyewitnesses, the blast took place near a bustling business center, Barchi Business Center. Casualties feared
a year agoA powerful earthquake hit northeastern Afghanistan on Thursday, shaking buildings from the capital Kabul to Islamabad in neighboring Pakistan
a year agoEarthquake of magnitude 6.4 - 44 km SSW of Jurm, Afghanistan
a year agoIran’s ambassador in Kabul, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, met with the acting Foreign Minister, Amir Khan Muttaqi, Iran's embassy said on X, adding that Kazemi expressed Tehran’s readiness for all kinds of cooperation and assistance with the people of Afghanistan. According to Iran’s embassy, Muttaqi expressed Kabul’s readiness to host the meeting of the special envoy of the regional countries in Afghan affairs. the Islamic Emirate Foreign Ministry’s spokesman, Abdul Qahar Balkhi, said that Muttaqi discussed the bilateral economic, diplomatic relations and consultant services for the Afghan refugees in Iran as well as safeguarding borders between the two countries.
a year agoThe spokesman for the Kabul security department, Khalid Zadran, said on X at least three people were killed and four others were wounded in the blast of a magnetic mine attached to a public minivan in the Alokhail area in PD 16 of Kabul this afternoon.
a year agoEarthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 45 km S of Dushanzi, China
a year agoBajaur Blast update. 6 dead, 22 injured in a blast near police van in Bajaur tribal district, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
a year agoEarthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 19 km SSE of Khorugh, Tajikistan
a year agoEarthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 11 km ESE of Rustāq, Afghanistan
a year agoEarthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 13 km WSW of Ashkāsham, Afghanistan
a year agoFormer member of ANDSF murdered in Kabul
a year agoوصول لوكاشينكا وباشينيان وتوكاييف لحضور اجتماع الاتحاد الاقتصادي الأوراسي في سان بطرسبرج
a year agoاستدعت وزارة الخارجية الأوزبكية السفير الروسي لدى البلاد بعد مطالبة بريليبين بأن تصبح دول آسيا الوسطى جزءًا من روسيا.
a year agoEarthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 53 km SSW of Jurm, Afghanistan
a year agoEarthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 56 km E of Khorugh, Tajikistan
a year agoThe source is state-funded media. Please, be aware, do not rely on this source without proper objective analysis of facts to form a judgment.
توفي مواطنان من روسيا و2 من أوزبكستان و9 من كازاخستان في حريق في فندق في ألماتي
a year agoEarthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 40 km SSE of Karakenja, Tajikistan
a year agoEarthquake of magnitude 5.2 - Afghanistan-Tajikistan border region
a year agoA fire broke out in a wooden base in the city of Gardez, the center of Paktia. The Paktia Police Command says that they and the 203 Mansouri Corps firefighting teams are trying to control the fire together. The exact information about the damage is not yet available. These have been revealed
a year agoوفاة 4 أشخاص و24 في المستشفيات بعد تناول جرعة زائدة من الميتادون في أستراخان
a year agoEarthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 31 km SW of Ashkāsham, Afghanistan
a year agoEarthquake of magnitude 5.3 - 106 km SE of Karakenja, Tajikistan
a year agoThe spokesperson for the Kabul police department, Khalid Zadran, on X said that a provisional camp has been constructed for returnees in northern Kabul. Zadran said that the camp has food, water, and medical facilities
a year agoEarthquake of magnitude 4.6 - Tajikistan
Central Asia is the core region of the Asian continent and stretches from the Caspian Sea in the west to China in the east and from Afghanistan in the south to Russia in the north. It is also sometimes referred to as Middle Asia, and, colloquially, "the 'stans" (as the six countries generally considered to be within the region all have names ending with the Persian suffix "-stan", meaning "land of") and is within the scope of the wider Eurasian continent.
Central Asia include five republics of the former Soviet Union: Kazakhstan (pop. 17 million), Kyrgyzstan (5.7 million), Tajikistan (8.0 million), Turkmenistan (5.2 million), and Uzbekistan (30 million), for a total population of about 66 million as of 2013–2014. Afghanistan (pop. 31.1 million) is also sometimes included. (wikipedia)
Kazakhstan, Russia, Iran, China, Syria, all forces backed by them, far-right and far-left groups
Western forces. NATO. League of Arab countries, democratic forces
Different paramilitary groups, rebels
Turkmenistan, Turkey, Turks
Non-aligned, Nature Icons
حوادث طرق ، سيارات
مدفعية ، ميلر
مطارات و طائرات
معسكرات و مخيمات
قبض / سيطرة
هجمات طعن
مصابين/ دواء
قنبلة نارية
إطلاق رصاص
قف/طريق مغلق
دبابات/ ناقلة جنود مدرعة / عربات مدرعة
البلطجية / أشخاص ملثمين
نووي / مواد مشعه
سفن / سفن حربية
Gas, chemical weapons
طائرات بدون طيار / تحكم عن بعد
حشد/ متظاهرون / عامه الناس / إذدحام
الرهائن و اللاجئين
لا إتصال / تشويش / رادار
بندقية / رجال مسلحون
إنفجار / إنفجارات
قراصنة كمبيوتر
ألغام / عبوات ناسفة
أوناش / إنشاءات
سكك حديد
مضادات جوية / دفاع جوي
لا توجد مياة
فيس بوك
كهرباء/ تعتيم
خطر بيولوجي
الطبيعة والكوارث
إنتقالات / طائرات مدنية
عملية إنقاذ
الطبيعة والكوارث
محمول / تطبيقات
هزة أرضية / زلزال
حيوانات / حياة برية
Animals: Cat
Animals: Dog
Stocks Down
Animals: Snake
Animals: Panda(rare animals)
Animals: Horse
Animals: Cow
Animals: Lion
Animals: Shark
Animals: Wolf
Animals: Bear
Machine Gun
Stun grenade
Airplanes: light plane
Cruise Missile
FPV drone
Map Change Event
Missile Airborne
Large explosive drone(Shahed)
Air Alert
Aerostat, High-Altitude balloon ApplyAdditional symbols
Important venueAttention! All events and areas of control on the map are geolocated approximately