5 أكتوبر 2024
Report claims at least four Taliban members were killed in an intra-Taliban clash in Khost1 سنة منذ
Report claims at least four Taliban members were killed in an intra-Taliban clash in Khost
Moscow Format on Afghanistan ended today in Kazan, Russia, issuing a joint statement. In the statement, a copy of which was obtained by @IranNuances, participants noted Iran's initiative to create a “regional contact group to strengthen regional cooperation on Afghanistan1 سنة منذ
Moscow Format on Afghanistan ended today in Kazan, Russia, issuing a joint statement. In the statement, a copy of which was obtained by @IranNuances, participants noted Iran's initiative to create a “regional contact group" to strengthen regional cooperation on Afghanistan
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An explosion and fire at a warehouse in Tashkent injured 163 people - Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan.
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A Pakistani national illegally kept by Taliban authorities in Mazar e Sharif prison has passed away, Behram Shah hailed from Kohat
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POTUS:Today, I met with the presidents of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan in the first-ever C5 1 Presidential Summit. I look forward to a future defined by stronger regional security, connectivity, climate action, and governance
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وزارة الداخلية الكازاخستانية تنفي المعلومات حول وقوع اشتباكات على الحدود مع روسيا
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 87 km ENE of Khandūd, Afghanistan
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - Afghanistan-Tajikistan border region
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - Caspian Sea
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Rocket carrying Soyuz MS-24 launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome
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وعقد بوتين اجتماعا مع مجلس الأمن القومي الروسي، وناقش العلاقات مع أقرب الحلفاء والحوار مع الدول الأخرى
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The authorities of Kazakhstan and Turkey intend to intensify the use of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR) and increase the supply of goods using it, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Murat Nurtleu following negotiations in Astana with his Turkish counterpart Hakan Fidan
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Reliable sources from Nooristan and the Kailash Valley of Chitral say that hundreds of Afghan and Pakistani Taliban have entered Chitral city by crossing the common border in Nooristan-Bamburd and entered some government positions of Pakistan
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One killed and one local serious injured in IED blast in Damadola area of Bajour. Police
TTP has claimed that clashes are ongoing in Arsoon village of Chitral district. According to them, BM missiles were also fired by the militants, which hit the military fortress and the post
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Both sides clashed, the fighting has ended now. According to local sources in Torkham, “at least 2 Taliban soldiers and 4 Afghan children were killed. Ambulances were seen ferrying wounded and dead from the area.” Torkham crossing remains closed
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Sources told KabulNow that the clash began on Friday night when forces of the Taliban’s Defense Ministry in coordination with its local Pashtun members tried to seize a military base run by the group’s Uzbek fighters in Masjid-e-Safed village in Baharak district.n
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 80 km W of Murghob, Tajikistan
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - Hindu Kush region, Afghanistan
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Kyrgyzstan announces nationwide ban of TikTok, citing concern about "harmful effects" on children's mental health
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 47 km E of Farkhār, Afghanistan
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ستجري منظمة معاهدة الأمن الجماعي مناورات في الفترة من 1 إلى 6 سبتمبر - رويترز نقلا عن وزارة الدفاع البيلاروسية
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الجيش الباكستاني: مقتل 6 جنود في تبادل لإطلاق النار مع مسلحين قرب الحدود مع أفغانستان
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الجيش الباكستاني يعلن مقتل 6 من جنوده في هجوم مسلح قرب الحدود مع أفغانستان
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UNAMA says since the fall of Kabul it has recorded at least 800 cases of extrajudicial killing, arbitrary arrest and detention, torture and ill-treatment & enforced disappearance of ex- government employees and security forces by the Taliban government
Khalid Zadran, Kabul security department’s spokesman, said that two people were killed and one other was injured in a blast that happened on Monday evening in the Darul Aman area of Kabul. nThe security forces arrived in the area, he said.nTOLOnews1 سنة منذ
Khalid Zadran, Kabul security department’s spokesman, said that two people were killed and one other was injured in a blast that happened on Monday evening in the Darul Aman area of Kabul. nThe security forces arrived in the area, he said.nTOLOnews
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - Hindu Kush region, Afghanistan
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 65 km S of Jurm, Afghanistan
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The Afghanistan Freedom Front has reported an attack on a Taliban base in the Sar Joy area of the Bagram district in Parwan province. According to the front, clashes between the forces of this front and the Taliban are still ongoing in the area
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The authorities of Kazakhstan blocked the website of the Tsargrad TV channel due to propaganda of extremism