6 Temmuz 2024
11 ay önce
A new conflict between the residents of the border areas occurred on the border of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. This was reported by the press center of the Kyrgyz border service. They said that the incident happened on the road from Tajikistan to the enclave of Vorukh, which runs through Kyrgyz territory. The drivers got into a conflict, a fight broke out between them
In the north of Kazakhstan, in the city of Petropavlovsk, territorial defense training began - Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan
11 ay önce
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 23 km ESE of Farkhār, Afghanistan
President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov signed a law on the state language, obliging the military, doctors, teachers, civil servants and a number of other categories of citizens to speak the Kyrgyz language.
Two brothers from Birmingham , UK have been arrested for trying to travel to Afghanistan to join the Islamic State Khorasan branch (ISKP)12 ay önce
Two brothers from Birmingham , UK have been arrested for trying to travel to Afghanistan to join the Islamic State Khorasan branch (ISKP)
12 ay önce
Local sources in Paktika said that a former security force member was killed by unknown gunmen in Sharan city, the capital of this province on Monday
12 ay önce
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan have completed the process of border demarcation. The relevant agreement has entered into force
1 yıl önce
Atyrau refinery stopped work due to an emergency power outage
Kişinev havaalanındaki şüpheli tetikçi Tacikistan vatandaşı
1 yıl önce
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - Afghanistan-Tajikistan border region
1 yıl önce
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 31 km SW of Ashkāsham, Afghanistan
1 yıl önce
Kazakistan, yetkililer ve PMC Wagner arasındaki iç siyasi çatışma zemininde Rusya ile sınırın kapatılmasını tartışıyor
1 yıl önce
Kazakistan Cumhurbaşkanı basın servisi, Putin'in Rusya'daki durum hakkında Tokayev'i telefonla bilgilendirdiğini söyledi.
1 yıl önce
A Russian-Syrian-Turkish-Iranian statement after the Astana meetings: cooperation to combat terrorism and separatist plans aimed at undermining Syria's sovereignty
1 yıl önce
Kazakhstan's Foreign Ministry: The 20th meeting of the Astana formula on Syria will be the last
Foreign Ministers of the CSTO countries adopted statements on the prevention of an arms race in space and the situation in Afghanistan
1 yıl önce
According to sources, Taliban arrested Malikmir's brother, Ghiyasuddin Mohammadi from his house in Kabul on Saturday too. Ghiyasuddin was also one of the employees of the NDS of the previous government, but after the Taliban took over, he was busy with personal work
1 yıl önce
Taliban vehicle reportedly targeted in an IED blast in Badakhshan. Seems like there's a pretty active ISKP cell or cells based in that province
MİT operasyonuyla Türkiye'ye getirilen FETÖ'nün sözde Orta Asya sorumlusu, silahlı terör örgütü yöneticiliği suçundan 21 yıl hapse mahkum edildi1 yıl önce
MİT operasyonuyla Türkiye'ye getirilen FETÖ'nün sözde Orta Asya sorumlusu, "silahlı terör örgütü yöneticiliği" suçundan 21 yıl hapse mahkum edildi
1 yıl önce
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 70 km NE of Aksu, China
1 yıl önce
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Kazakistan Cumhurbaşkanı Tokayev'e orman yangınında ölenler için taziyelerini iletti
1 yıl önce
Russia begins the creation of Russian-language schools in Kyrgyzstan - Mishustin
More than 30 people were brought to the State Committee for National Security on suspicion of preparing a coup d'état
Lavrov arrived on a two-day visit to the capital of Tajikistan, plans to visit the Russian military base and hold talks with the country's leadership
Supporters of local pro-Russian politician Adakhan Madumarov detained for coup attempt in Kyrgyzstan
The State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan massively detained participants in a possible coup d'état. It is specified that a group of persons was preparing to seize power by force
1 yıl önce
Earthquake of magnitude 5.1 - 53 km ENE of Balkanabat, Turkmenistan
1 yıl önce
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 1 km E of Jalālābād, Afghanistan
1 yıl önce
Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 35 km SE of Jurm, Afghanistan
1 yıl önce
Senior Taliban commander Abdulhamid Khorasani, aka Nasser Badri, has in a video message warned that the group will fight against Iranians "with more passion" than they did against the US forces. "We will conquer Iran soon if Taliban's leaders give the green light for jihad."