5 Október 2024
Photo of IRGC Colonel Hossein-Ali Javdanfar, whom Jaish al-Adl killed today following IRGC airstrikes on Pakistan yesterday8 Mesiac Pred
Photo of IRGC Colonel Hossein-Ali Javdanfar, whom Jaish al-Adl killed today following IRGC airstrikes on Pakistan yesterday
8 Mesiac Pred
A member of the IRGC has been shot dead inside Iran, in the south-eastern Sistan-Baluchestan province bordering Pakistan and Afghanistan
Strety medzi demonštrantmi a políciou v Baymaku v Baškirostane, demonštranti požadujúci prepustenie aktivistu baškirskej organizácie Faila Alsynova
Zrážky s políciou pri budove súdu v Baymaku, kde bol dnes odsúdený aktivista Fail Alsynov. Demonštranti hádžu na policajtov sneh a ľad
V Kirgizsku havaroval vrtuľník Mi-8, najmenej 4 zranení a 1 mŕtvy
US Department of State: On the 10th anniversary of Uyghur human rights activist Ilham Tohti’s detention in the PRC, we call on the PRC to cease its genocide and crimes against humanity and to immediately and unconditionally release Tohti and all those arbitrarily detained in Xinjiang
8 Mesiac Pred
Blast Hits Western Kabul. An explosion was heard in Kabul's western Dasht-e-Barchi area on Thursday afternoon, January 11, local sources said. According to eyewitnesses, the blast took place near a bustling business center, Barchi Business Center. Casualties feared
8 Mesiac Pred
A powerful earthquake hit northeastern Afghanistan on Thursday, shaking buildings from the capital Kabul to Islamabad in neighboring Pakistan
8 Mesiac Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 6.4 - 44 km SSW of Jurm, Afghanistan
Iran’s ambassador in Kabul, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, met with the acting Foreign Minister, Amir Khan Muttaqi, Iran's embassy said on X, adding that Kazemi expressed Tehran’s readiness for all kinds of cooperation and assistance with the people of Afghanistan. According to Iran’s embassy, Muttaqi expressed Kabul’s readiness to host the meeting of the special envoy of the regional countries in Afghan affairs. the Islamic Emirate Foreign Ministry’s spokesman, Abdul Qahar Balkhi, said that Muttaqi discussed the bilateral economic, diplomatic relations and consultant services for the Afghan refugees in Iran as well as safeguarding borders between the two countries.8 Mesiac Pred
Iran’s ambassador in Kabul, Hassan Kazemi Qomi, met with the acting Foreign Minister, Amir Khan Muttaqi, Iran's embassy said on X, adding that Kazemi expressed Tehran’s readiness for all kinds of cooperation and assistance with the people of Afghanistan. According to Iran’s embassy, Muttaqi expressed Kabul’s readiness to host the meeting of the special envoy of the regional countries in Afghan affairs. the Islamic Emirate Foreign Ministry’s spokesman, Abdul Qahar Balkhi, said that Muttaqi discussed the bilateral economic, diplomatic relations and consultant services for the Afghan refugees in Iran as well as safeguarding borders between the two countries.
The spokesman for the Kabul security department, Khalid Zadran, said on X at least three people were killed and four others were wounded in the blast of a magnetic mine attached to a public minivan in the Alokhail area in PD 16 of Kabul this afternoon.9 Mesiac Pred
The spokesman for the Kabul security department, Khalid Zadran, said on X at least three people were killed and four others were wounded in the blast of a magnetic mine attached to a public minivan in the Alokhail area in PD 16 of Kabul this afternoon.
9 Mesiac Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 45 km S of Dushanzi, China
Bajaur Blast update. 6 dead, 22 injured in a blast near police van in Bajaur tribal district, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
9 Mesiac Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 19 km SSE of Khorugh, Tajikistan
9 Mesiac Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 11 km ESE of Rustāq, Afghanistan
9 Mesiac Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 13 km WSW of Ashkāsham, Afghanistan
9 Mesiac Pred
Former member of ANDSF murdered in Kabul
9 Mesiac Pred
Lukašenko, Pašinjan a Tokajev pricestovali na stretnutie Eurázijskej hospodárskej únie v Petrohrade
9 Mesiac Pred
Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí Uzbekistanu predvolalo ruského veľvyslanca v krajine po tvrdení Prilepina, že krajiny Strednej Ázie by sa mali stať súčasťou Ruska
9 Mesiac Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 53 km SSW of Jurm, Afghanistan
10 Mesiac Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 56 km E of Khorugh, Tajikistan
Pri požiari hotela v Almaty zahynuli 2 občania Ruska, 2 Uzbekistanu a 9 Kazachstanu10 Mesiac Pred
Pri požiari hotela v Almaty zahynuli 2 občania Ruska, 2 Uzbekistanu a 9 Kazachstanu
10 Mesiac Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 40 km SSE of Karakenja, Tajikistan
10 Mesiac Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - Afghanistan-Tajikistan border region
A fire broke out in a wooden base in the city of Gardez, the center of Paktia. The Paktia Police Command says that they and the 203 Mansouri Corps firefighting teams are trying to control the fire together. The exact information about the damage is not yet available. These have been revealed10 Mesiac Pred
A fire broke out in a wooden base in the city of Gardez, the center of Paktia. The Paktia Police Command says that they and the 203 Mansouri Corps firefighting teams are trying to control the fire together. The exact information about the damage is not yet available. These have been revealed
10 Mesiac Pred
4 ľudia zomreli, 24 v nemocniciach po predávkovaní metadónom v Astracháne
10 Mesiac Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 31 km SW of Ashkāsham, Afghanistan
10 Mesiac Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - 106 km SE of Karakenja, Tajikistan
10 Mesiac Pred
The spokesperson for the Kabul police department, Khalid Zadran, on X said that a provisional camp has been constructed for returnees in northern Kabul. Zadran said that the camp has food, water, and medical facilities
10 Mesiac Pred
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - Tajikistan