20 Јули 2024
11 месец Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 30 km NNE of Türkmenbaşy, Turkmenistan
11 месец Пре
Khost Hospital list confirming 5 dead and 8 injured in today's blast. nn there are photos of deceased and injured circulating online, including on jihadi channels. Most of the photos show civilians or children
11 месец Пре
Afghan Int @AFIntlBrk quoted sources in Khost as saying that members of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan were targeted in an airstrike in a hotel in the center of Khost province. The Taliban official in Khost said it was a blast in the hotel but said investigations are underway
11 месец Пре
In the capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, three cases of infection, presumably bubonic plague, have been identified, the National Center for the Study of Zoonotic Infections said
11 месец Пре
Afghan Taliban spox Zabihullah Mujahid denies that the Taliban emir Haibatullah Akhundzada issued any decree forbidding war against Pakistan
11 месец Пре
The CEO of Esfrain Industrial Complex in North Khorasan announced that an explosion occurred in the melting section of this complex and eight people were injured
11 месец Пре
Putin held talks with President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev by phone
11 месец Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - Hindu Kush region, Afghanistan
11 месец Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - 49 km SSW of Jurm, Afghanistan
11 месец Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 5.8 - 47 km SSW of Jurm, Afghanistan
11 месец Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - Hindu Kush region, Afghanistan
In the aftermath of the Bajaur bomb blast, Imran Maher, the Jalsa organizer and JUI leader, who personally witnessed the incident, is urgently appealing to the local community to come forward and donate blood.nn: Blial Yasir
Over 20 killed and 150 injured in a suicide blast targeting Workers Convention of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam in Khar of Bajaur District or Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. More details are awaited. Rescue ops underway
12 месец Пре
Turkmenistan is ready to implement a project to build a gas pipeline along the bottom of the Caspian Sea in order to transport Turkmen blue fuel to European markets (Trans-Caspian pipeline) - the official statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan says
12 месец Пре
A new conflict between the residents of the border areas occurred on the border of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. This was reported by the press center of the Kyrgyz border service. They said that the incident happened on the road from Tajikistan to the enclave of Vorukh, which runs through Kyrgyz territory. The drivers got into a conflict, a fight broke out between them
1 године Пре
In the north of Kazakhstan, in the city of Petropavlovsk, territorial defense training began - Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan
1 године Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 23 km ESE of Farkhār, Afghanistan
1 године Пре
President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov signed a law on the state language, obliging the military, doctors, teachers, civil servants and a number of other categories of citizens to speak the Kyrgyz language.
Two brothers from Birmingham , UK have been arrested for trying to travel to Afghanistan to join the Islamic State Khorasan branch (ISKP)1 године Пре
Two brothers from Birmingham , UK have been arrested for trying to travel to Afghanistan to join the Islamic State Khorasan branch (ISKP)
1 године Пре
Local sources in Paktika said that a former security force member was killed by unknown gunmen in Sharan city, the capital of this province on Monday
1 године Пре
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan have completed the process of border demarcation. The relevant agreement has entered into force
1 године Пре
Atyrau refinery stopped work due to an emergency power outage
1 године Пре
Осумњичени нападач на аеродрому у Кишињеву је држављанин Таџикистана
1 године Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 5.0 - Afghanistan-Tajikistan border region
1 године Пре
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 31 km SW of Ashkāsham, Afghanistan
1 године Пре
Казахстан разговара о затварању границе са Русијом у позадини унутрашњег политичког сукоба између власти и ПМЦ Вагнер
1 године Пре
Путин је у телефонском разговору информисао Токајева о ситуацији у Русији, - саопштила је прес служба председника Казахстана.
1 године Пре
A Russian-Syrian-Turkish-Iranian statement after the Astana meetings: cooperation to combat terrorism and separatist plans aimed at undermining Syria's sovereignty
1 године Пре
Kazakhstan's Foreign Ministry: The 20th meeting of the Astana formula on Syria will be the last
Foreign Ministers of the CSTO countries adopted statements on the prevention of an arms race in space and the situation in Afghanistan