23 Luty 2025
Photos of Russian servicemen in Almaty, presumably from the 45th Spetsnaz Brigade with Spartanets-3 and LShZ1+ helmets, AK-12 rifles, and Tigr-M SpN with Arbalet-DM.
3 rok temu
Taliban Defense Minister warns Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, saying they should not test Taliban patience and surrender Afghanistan helicopters, otherwise Taliban will destroy them
USAID announces more than $308 million in additional humanitarian assistance for people of Afghanistan3 rok temu
USAID announces more than $308 million in additional humanitarian assistance for people of Afghanistan
3 rok temu
Minister obrony Rosji Shoigu: siły pokojowe OUBZ dokończą misję w Kazachstanie po pełnej stabilizacji sytuacji w kraju decyzją kierownictwa republiki
CIA linked Phoenix Air GLFIII N198PA en route to Almaty Kazakhstan3 rok temu
CIA linked Phoenix Air GLFIII N198PA en route to Almaty Kazakhstan
3 rok temu
Prezydent Kazachstanu oskarża byłego prezydenta o tworzenie warstwy zamożnych ludzi i nakazuje utworzenie funduszu, który miałby dzielić się tym bogactwem z mieszkańcami Kazachstanu
Kazakh President Tokayev says the CSTO peacekeeping mission has done its job and that troops will begin withdrawing on Thursday. The pull-out will take no more than 10 days, he says3 rok temu
Kazakh President Tokayev says the CSTO "peacekeeping mission" has done its job and that troops will begin withdrawing on Thursday. The pull-out will take no more than 10 days, he says
Tokayev signed a decree appointing a new prime minister of Kazakhstan. and Earlier, at a meeting of the Mazhilis of Parliament, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev proposed Alikhan Smailov's candidacy for the post of Prime Minister.3 rok temu
Tokayev signed a decree appointing a new prime minister of Kazakhstan. and Earlier, at a meeting of the Mazhilis of Parliament, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev proposed Alikhan Smailov's candidacy for the post of Prime Minister.
Internet has been significantly restored in Kazakhstan from ~6 am local time following a digital curfew that lets users go online a few hours each day. The state-imposed shutdown has left millions without access to services and information
Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman says that Kazakhstan did not come up in her discussions with the Russian delegation today
3 rok temu
Rosyjscy żołnierze sił pokojowych rozmieszczają załogi dronów Orlan-10 na lotnisku Ałma-Ata
Péter Szijjártó, Hungarian MFA: In Kazakhstan, they attempted to overthrow the constitutional order and attacked the Kazakh state in a well-coordinated operation and PM Viktor Orban expressed his support to president Tokayev3 rok temu
Péter Szijjártó, Hungarian MFA: In Kazakhstan, they "attempted to overthrow the constitutional order and attacked the Kazakh state in a well-coordinated operation" and PM Viktor Orban expressed his support to president Tokayev
The US government has authorized the voluntary departure of non-emergency personnel at the US Consulate General in Almaty. If travel is necessary, do so only during daylight hours & use extreme caution. Curfews remain in place
3 rok temu
3 'Daesh Fighters' Killed, 2 Arrested in Kabul Operation
3 rok temu
Tokajew powiedział, że bojownicy, w tym z Afganistanu i Bliskiego Wschodu, brali udział w zamieszkach w Kazachstanie.
3 rok temu
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has expressed his solidarity with Kazakhstan's President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev in a call on Monday, Hungary's foreign minister said
Ruzakhunov: Współwięźniowie powiedzieli, że jeśli zrobię zeznanie wideo, to zostanę wysłany do Biszkeku. Wszystko, co zostało powiedziane w filmie, nie jest prawdą
Looks like the Kabul network of ISKP is active again. ISKP is claiming an IED blast targeting Taliban vehicle in PD-8, Kabul, while also claiming 7 casualties3 rok temu
Looks like the Kabul network of ISKP is active again. ISKP is claiming an IED blast targeting Taliban vehicle in PD-8, Kabul, while also claiming 7 casualties
Eszelon wojskowy został wczoraj sfilmowany w regionie Amur
Kirgiski muzyk jazzowy Ruzakhunov wrócił z Kazachstanu - Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych Kirgistanu
Pakistani media now confirming death of TTP's Khalid Balti AKA Mohammed Khurasani, killed by unknown gunmen in Nangarhar
Prezydent Tokajew odbył wirtualne spotkanie z przewodniczącym Rady Europejskiej Charlesem Michel3 rok temu
Prezydent Tokajew odbył wirtualne spotkanie z przewodniczącym Rady Europejskiej Charlesem Michel
3 rok temu
Vikram Ruzakhunov wrócił do Kirgistanu
3 rok temu
Taliban Foreign Minister Amir Khan Mutaqi confirms he met Ahmad Masoud and Ismael Khan in Iran and told them that they can return to Afghanistan. Ahmad Masoud, son of Ahmad Shah Masoud, announced National Resistance Front to fight the Taliban after August 15
Kontyngent wojskowy z Kirgistanu po Ałmaty będzie strzegł elektrowni CHP-2.
At least 9 school children were killed in a blast outside a school in Laal Pora district in Ningarhar province. At least 4 school children were wounded3 rok temu
At least 9 school children were killed in a blast outside a school in Laal Pora district in Ningarhar province. At least 4 school children were wounded
An Afghan security source to Al-Jazeera: 9 killed and 4 wounded in a bomb explosion in front of a school in Nangarhar province, east of the country
3 rok temu
Putin odbył rozmowę telefoniczną z szefem Tadżykistanu, omówił kwestię afgańską, w szczególności sytuację na granicy tadżycko-afgańskiej
3 rok temu
Sekretarz Generalny OUBZ: wojska w Kazachstanie w pełni rozmieszczone w 4 dni ze 108 lotami transportowymi
IL-76MD RA-78796 Rosyjskie Siły Powietrzne wystartowały z Iwanowa w drodze do Kazachstanu3 rok temu
IL-76MD RA-78796 Rosyjskie Siły Powietrzne wystartowały z Iwanowa w drodze do Kazachstanu