7 ნოემბერი 2024
2 წელს წინ
It's propaganda
პუტინი: სამხედრო ოპერაციის მიზანია დონბასის დაცვა და რუსეთის უსაფრთხოების უზრუნველყოფა
2 წელს წინ
It's propaganda
პუტინი უარყოფს, რომ რუსეთმა კრემენჩუკში სამოქალაქო ობიექტი დაარტყა
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პუტინის თქმით, ფინეთსა და შვედეთში ნატოს სამხედრო ინფრასტრუქტურის განლაგების შემთხვევაში, რუსეთის ფედერაციას მოუწევს სარკისებური რეაგირება.
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Putin met with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi
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კასპიის ზღვის ქვეყნების ლიდერების სამიტზე დღეს აშხაბადში ყაზახეთის პრეზიდენტმა სურსათის ცენტრის შექმნა შესთავაზა.
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Putin met with ex-president of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov
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Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, ruler of Dubai, has dispatched emergency relief planes to deliver life-saving humanitarian aid to Kabul in order to assist affected people in Afghanistan devastated by the deadly earthquake
New clash reported between Taliban and Iranian border forces in Nimruz2 წელს წინ
New clash reported between Taliban and Iranian border forces in Nimruz
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.8 - 47 km S of Jurm, Afghanistan
პუტინი ტაჯიკეთში ტაჯიკეთის პრეზიდენტ რახმონს შეხვდა
Clashes reported tonight between NRF and Taliban in Kabul2 წელს წინ
Clashes reported tonight between NRF and Taliban in Kabul
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Per @DeptofDefense, the transfer of Asadullah Haroon al-Afghani & repatriation to #Afghanistan was also cleared by the Periodic Review Board (PRB) in October 2021 The board includes senior officials from @TheJusticeDept @StateDept @DHSgov & @ODNIgov
The editorial in the latest al-Naba is also themed around the ISKP attack against the temple in Kabul, Afghanistan and is dedicated to talking about the need to honour and protect the Prophet2 წელს წინ
The editorial in the latest al-Naba is also themed around the ISKP attack against the temple in Kabul, Afghanistan and is dedicated to talking about the need to "honour and protect the Prophet"
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A magnitude 6.1 earthquake leaves hundreds dead in Afghanistan
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KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Afghan emergency official says at least 920 people killed, 600 injured in powerful earthquake
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At least 285 people were killed & more than 200 people were wounded in last night's 5.9 magnitude earthquake in Paktika, Khost & Nangarhar provinces. 11 more people were also killed in flash floods
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At least 300 people killed after 6.1 magnitude earthquake strikes eastern Afghanistan, officials say
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KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) An earthquake struck eastern Afghanistan early Wednesday, killing at least 255 people, authorities said
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Afghanistan state-run news agency reports at least 155 killed in earthquake in country's eastern Paktika province
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At least 155 killed in an earthquake in east Afghanistan
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Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 - 44 km SW of Khōst, Afghanistan
ISKP claimed yesterday's MIED blast targeting Taliban vehicle in Ghani Khel, Nangarhar, causing 5 casualties including a Taliban leader2 წელს წინ
ISKP claimed yesterday's MIED blast targeting Taliban vehicle in Ghani Khel, Nangarhar, causing 5 casualties including a Taliban leader
რუსეთის FSB-მ იუჟნო-სახალინსკში კათიბ ტაუხიდ ალ ჯიჰადის ეჭვმიტანილი წევრი დააკავა.
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A man was killed in a traffic accident in Kapisa province on Monday June 20, officials of Taliban in Kapisa police headquarters reported
Taliban intelligence agency GDI claimed seizing cache of weapons, ammo and equipment in central Saripul province. Unclear if this bust is linked to dissenter Mawlawi Mehdi Balkhabi2 წელს წინ
Taliban intelligence agency GDI claimed seizing cache of weapons, ammo and equipment in central Saripul province. Unclear if this bust is linked to dissenter Mawlawi Mehdi Balkhabi
Explosion hit a car in Shinwari, Nangarhar. Looks like MIED. Multiple casualties2 წელს წინ
Explosion hit a car in Shinwari, Nangarhar. Looks like MIED. Multiple casualties
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NRF claims that their forces attacked a Taliban outpost in Hesa Duwum district of Kapisa province, last night. Sources say that 3 Taliban members got killed and 3 others wounded
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 74 km S of Bereket, Turkmenistan
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რუსეთი დროებით აჩერებს ნავთობის ექსპორტს ნოვოროსიისკის პორტით. ეს ოფიციალურად გამოწვეულია მეორე მსოფლიო ომის ეპოქის ბომბების აღმოჩენით, მაგრამ საინტერესოა, ეს ხდება რამდენიმე დღის შემდეგ, რაც ყაზახეთის პრეზიდენტმა თქვა, რომ პუტინის გვერდით იჯდა, რომ მისი ქვეყანა არ ცნობს DNR/LNR-ს.
IS-KP claims it ambushed an Afghan Taliban vehicle in Nurgal, Kunar province using automatic weapons and RPGs:2 წელს წინ
IS-KP claims it ambushed an Afghan Taliban vehicle in Nurgal, Kunar province using automatic weapons and RPGs: