22 Люты 2025
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Pakistani sources reporting possible assassination attempt on TTP commander Burjan (who is from Swat) in Kunar province of Afghanistan
An hour ago the Taliban militants stormed the house of another activist, Parwana Ibrahimkhail & brutally beat & arrested her. Parwana protested against the Taliban government on the streets of Kabul along with other women activists3 рок таму
An hour ago the Taliban militants stormed the house of another activist, Parwana Ibrahimkhail & brutally beat & arrested her. Parwana protested against the Taliban government on the streets of Kabul along with other women activists
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Deputy head of the Kremlin administration Kozak in Uzbekistan, met with President Mirziyoyev, the situation in the region is on the agenda in the light of events in Kazakhstan
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Пуцін сустрэўся ў Маскве з прэзідэнтам Ірана Эбрагімам Раісай. Абмяркоўвалі ядзерную здзелку, сітуацыю ў Афганістане
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Усе падраздзяленні расійскіх войскаў АДКБ вярнуліся з Казахстана ў Расійскую Федэрацыю, паведамляе Мінабароны РФ.
A Taliban local commander and his son were shot and killed today in Narang district of Kunar province, the provincial intelligence dept said, adding that 4 civilians were also killed and 3 were wounded. The motive behind the incident was personal, the dept said3 рок таму
A Taliban local commander and his son were shot and killed today in Narang district of Kunar province, the provincial intelligence dept said, adding that 4 civilians were also killed and 3 were wounded. The motive behind the incident was personal, the dept said
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Helicopters flown to Tajikistan & Uzbekistan will not be sent into Afghanistan to be used by the Taliban, the Pentagon press secretary told reporters on Tuesday. Recently, the Taliban defense minister threatened Tajikistan & Uzbekistan to return those helicopters
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Прэзідэнт Казахстана прызначыў Руслана Жаксілікава міністрам абароны.
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Камандзір місіі АДКБ Сердзюкоў заявіў, што аперацыя скончана, і апошнія 4 расейскія вайсковыя самалёты адправіліся ў Расею
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Старшыня АДКБ: Аперацыя ў Казахстане завершана
Адміністрацыя Байканура паведамляе, што мае інфармацыю аб падрыхтоўцы тэрактаў у горадзе, блакітны ўзровень тэрарыстычнай трывогі падоўжаны да 3 лютага
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Павялічаная прысутнасць паліцыі на Старым рынку ў Нур-Султане (Астана)
Heavy security forces presence in Almaty amid reported counter-terrorism operation, several streets closed3 рок таму
Heavy security forces presence in Almaty amid reported counter-terrorism operation, several streets closed
ISKP claiming twin bombings in Kabul targeting Taliban, while also claiming 13 casualties3 рок таму
ISKP claiming twin bombings in Kabul targeting Taliban, while also claiming 13 casualties
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У Алматы апоўначы скончыцца надзвычайнае становішча і каменданцкая гадзіна. Горад застанецца на чырвоным узроўні тэрарыстычнай пагрозы
Gunmen shot and killed Haneefa Nazari a female civil activist in Mazar-e Sharif3 рок таму
Gunmen shot and killed Haneefa Nazari a female civil activist in Mazar-e Sharif
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M. Aslam, his wife & 3 children were suffocated by gas last night in Laghman's Qarghayi district
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У эліце Казахстана няма канфлікту і супрацьстаяння, чуткі на гэтую тэму абсалютна беспадстаўныя - Назарбаеў звяртаецца да народа
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A child was killed by a Taliban fighter in Faizabad city of Badakhshan province on Monday. A local Taliban official told that the incident happened when they were tracing a criminal
Banned out Pakistani Taliban (TTP) claimed responsibility of killing one policeman & injuring 2 in Karachi Company area of Federal Capital Islamabad attack; confirmed killing of 2 TTP attackers. TTP also claimed attacks & killing of policemen in Bajaur & North Waziristan
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Яшчэ 40 рэйсаў транспартнай авіяцыі даставілі войскі і тэхніку з Казахстана ў Маскоўскую і Ульянаўскую вобласці Расіі
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The death toll from the earthquake in Afghanistan has risen to 26
Расейскія вайскоўцы Калектыўных сіл Арганізацыі Дагавора аб калектыўнай бяспецы (АДКБ) прыбылі на аэрадром Усход ва Ульянаўскай вобласці з Казахстана на ваенна-транспартнай авіяцыі Паветрана-касмічных войскаў Расіі.3 рок таму
Расейскія вайскоўцы Калектыўных сіл Арганізацыі Дагавора аб калектыўнай бяспецы (АДКБ) прыбылі на аэрадром Усход ва Ульянаўскай вобласці з Казахстана на ваенна-транспартнай авіяцыі Паветрана-касмічных войскаў Расіі.
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Earthquake of magnitude 5.6 - 40 km E of Qala i Naw, Afghanistan
As per reports, Pakistani forces have fired 21 missiles in some parts of Kunar province, yesterday Jan 16.   According to a security official, these attacks had no casualties3 рок таму
As per reports, Pakistani forces have fired 21 missiles in some parts of Kunar province, yesterday Jan 16. According to a security official, these attacks had no casualties
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Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 50 km ESE of Qala i Naw, Afghanistan
Clashes reported between Taliban and Pakistani military along Durand border last night3 рок таму
Clashes reported between Taliban and Pakistani military along Durand border last night
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House of Taliban deputy intelligence chief for Chawkay, Kunar burned down. Likely by ISKP
Zetavia UR-CIF ZAV6002 from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan heading into Ukraine currently3 рок таму
"Zetavia" UR-CIF ZAV6002 from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan heading into Ukraine currently
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President Tokayev signed a decree on the dismissal of the first deputy head of the National Security Committee, Samat Abish, Nazarbayev's nephew.