27 iyul 2024
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 1 km E of Jalālābād, Afghanistan
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.2 - 35 km SE of Jurm, Afghanistan
1 year ago
Senior Taliban commander Abdulhamid Khorasani, aka Nasser Badri, has in a video message warned that the group will fight against Iranians "with more passion" than they did against the US forces. "We will conquer Iran soon if Taliban's leaders give the green light for jihad."
1 year ago
“Iran's semi-official Nour News confirmed the death of one Iranian border guard.” Afghanistan
1 year ago
Iran's official news agency says two Iranian border guards have been killed in today's clashes with the Taliban. Two civilians have also been injured on the Iranian side
Soyuz-2.1a was launched today, which launched Progress MS-23 into orbit with cargo to the ISS
Iran’s Foreign Minister @Amirabdolahian: “We do not recognize the current government ruling Afghanistan and we emphasize the need to form a comprehensive government in Afghanistan because the Taliban is part of the reality of Afghanistan, not all of it.”
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan summoned the Ambassador of the Russian Federation Grigoriev dissatisfaction with the mass detentions of Tajiks in Russia was expressed to him
1 year ago
Putin: Biz Ali Avrasiya İqtisadi Şurası ölkələri arasında inteqrasiyanı təşviq etməyə çalışırıq
Matthew Miller, US State Department spokesman, said that “there are several examples in which we have suspended operations where we suspected Taliban interference with the humanitarian efforts.” Matthew Miller in a press briefing said that the State Department and USAID continue
1 year ago
Putin, Lukaşenka, Tokayev və Japarov eyni mikroavtobusda Kremlə qeyri-rəsmi şam yeməyinə gəliblər.
Pakistani police: 4 people were killed in a suicide bombing at a checkpoint in the northwest of the country
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 45 km W of Kuqa, China
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 47 km SW of Ashkāsham, Afghanistan
1 year ago
Cümə günü Çin sədri Si Cinpin Qazaxıstan, Tacikistan, Qırğızıstan, Türkmənistan və Özbəkistan liderləri ilə görüşüb və onları müdafiə sektoru da daxil olmaqla əməkdaşlığı genişləndirməyə dəvət edib.
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.7 - 112 km ESE of Kegen, Kazakhstan
1 year ago
Ukrayna Xarici İşlər Nazirliyi Ermənistanın baş nazirinin, Qazaxıstan, Qırğızıstan, Tacikistan, Türkmənistan və Özbəkistan prezidentlərinin Moskvada hərbi parada səfərini Ukraynaya qarşı əxlaqsız və qeyri-dost addım və ukraynalılara hörmətsizlik nümayişi adlandırıb.
1 year ago
Qazaxıstan prezidenti Tokayev bu gün Moskvaya gələcək və sabah Qələbə Paradında iştirak edəcək
1 year ago
Report: 4 NRF members, 8 Taliban killed in clashes in Baghlan
1 year ago
The head of Uzbekistan Mirziyoyev announced the holding of early presidential elections in the republic
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 5.3 - 40 km S of Jurm, Afghanistan
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 26 km NNE of Jurm, Afghanistan
Gas processing plant on fire at Zhanazhol field1 year ago
Gas processing plant on fire at Zhanazhol field
1 year ago
A referendum on changing the constitution was successfully held in Uzbekistan. Now the head of the republic Shavkat Mirziyoyev will be able to rule until 2040
1 year ago
Earthquake of magnitude 4.9 - 41 km SW of Mashhad, Iran
Radio Svoboda national service banned in Kyrgyzstan
1 year ago
VOA confirms the US learned weeks ago that the ISIS leader responsible for the planning of the 2021 attack at the Kabul airport that took the lives of 13 American service members was killed by the Taliban
4.5 magnitude earthquake. 82 km from Shetpe, Mangghystaū, Kazakhstan
1 year ago
Rosselkhoznadzor suspended the import of dairy products from Kyrgyzstan from April 21
4 killed, 4 rescued after explosion in a residential house in Zhanaozen1 year ago
4 killed, 4 rescued after explosion in a residential house in Zhanaozen